With the arrival of a Q-Grader in the company in 2017, Garça Armazéns started a project focused on the search and evaluation of specialty coffees grown in the region of Garça-SP. This project has already identified and marketed a significant number of batches that were previously unknown as specialty coffees. This is a significant step towards a more detailed identification of the coffee production chain.

Yucas Alimentos is a new company, but full of vitality and willingness to deliver to its customers, products initially derived from cassava, with the highest quality standard, following GMP (good manufacturing practices) standards. We present solutions for the most demanding customers, from the housewife to the chef, with extremely flexible products and the creation of personalized recipes.

Erva Mate
Company founded in 2011 and headquartered in the city of Tatuí/SP, uses only rice flour and 100% natural products in the manufacture of products.
Our rice flour is far from being a normal flour, thanks to the natural process used (PROCESS PATENTED BY OUR INDUSTRY), the flour acquires a plasticity that allows it to have a considerable bond even without the presence of gluten.
We are an industry of banana-based processed products, that values the commitment to the quality of its products and respect in the relationship with its customers. We were born in 2000 from the entrepreneurial vision of a couple of banana growers, who transformed the surplus production of banana plantations into an industry for processing banana-based products. We started production with the dried banana in a special drying process in industrial ovens. 100% natural product, rich in fiber and vitamins as it maintains all the nutrients of the fruit. This was our flagship for many years, where we sold the product in bulk to major nationally established brands in the market.
In 1953 the industry was installed on the road to Jacutinga, where it remained for 17 years. With the emancipation in 1964, Volta Grande becomes known as Barão de Cotegipe. Six years later, in 1970, the industry was transferred to Rua Barão do Rio Branco, currently called Rua Ilma Picolo, in honor of Mr. Etelvino's wife. The address has remained the same ever since. In 1951, Etelvino Picolo and his wife Ilma Picolo settled in the town of Volta Grande. In 1952, they created the Etelvino Picolo Company, starting the production and sale of handcrafted Cancheada and Socada Yerba Mate. With the growth in sales, Erva-Mate, already present in the mate of many people from Volta Grande, Erechim and Region, is baptized with the Picolo brand, immortalizing the family's surname.
The candy, throughout history, took different formats. Today, a wide variety of flavors are linked to it, from cakes to confectionery, jams and chocolates. Much more than desserts, the differentiated flavor, a product that has fruit as its main ingredient, attract millions and millions of consumers, being the favorite dessert on the table of many. And that's exactly what RB Alimentos, a company based in Garça in the interior of the state of SP, does, has been growing and standing out for offering products to large supermarket and wholesale chains. Betting on a significant variety of sweets, the company today supplies its products to a large mix of buyers throughout Brazil, consolidating even more the experience of more than 20 years in the segment.
Nazinha Alimentos was founded in 1982 in a small homemade biscuit factory. With the passion of a young couple, a lot of work and zeal, the product line began to grow. The dedication to the production of biscuits also grew with the appreciation of the Brazilian family for the homemade flavor of the recipes. Innovating, in addition to the traditional flour biscuit, they started to offer the delicious sequilhos and jigsaw puzzles that were gradually conquering the public in several Brazilian states. Since then, Nazinha Alimentos has lovingly embraced the artisanal tradition of Minas Gerais, manufacturing technologies, the selection of the best ingredients and the expertise of trained professionals to provide all people with delicious and worry-free moments at the table. Always attentive to the needs of its customers, Nazinha modernized its factory to offer products without any trace of gluten and lactose.